A Boca Raton business litigation attorney Handles Business Ownership Disputes

Boca Raton business litigation attorneySuccessfully running a business requires that the owners are in agreement regarding how the business operates, future goals they want the company to achieve, and understanding the role they each play within the company. If the owners aren’t able to resolve conflicts on their own, a business ownership dispute could lead to legal action. The longer a dispute continues, the greater impact it could have on the overall productivity of the business. For this reason, a Boca Raton business litigation attorney works hard to obtain a desirable outcome as promptly as possible.

Boca Raton business litigation attorney Discusses Common Causes of Business Disputes

A Boca Raton business litigation attorney knows that a breakdown in communication, misunderstandings, or adversarial interests may trigger a major disagreement amongst co-owners. The common causes of a business ownership disputes may include conflict regarding how to operate the business; unfair distribution of profits and compensation; and transferring an ownership stake to another individual or entity.

Tactics Used by a Boca Raton Business Lawyer to Resolve Disputes between Business Owners

Once a Boca Raton business lawyer is able to accurately assess the root of the problem, he will be able to offer different solutions that may be suitable for the co-owners. In some cases, it is in the best interests of the parties to avoid litigation and utilize alternative methods of dispute resolution such as mediation or arbitration. When owners are no longer able to work together, they may agree to execute a buyout agreement to purchase one of the owner’s shares or dissolve the business entity as a last resort.

Contact a Boca Raton business litigation attorney

Owning a business is regarded by many as the epitome of achieving the proverbial American Dream. However, business ownership disputes can quickly turn that dream into a nightmare. If you are dealing with a business ownership dispute, you can get legal assistance by contacting Addicott & Addicott, P.A. One of our skilled Boca Raton business litigation attorneys will meet with you to discuss the potential case. Call us at 954-454-2605 to schedule an appointment.