A Fort Lauderdale Eviction Attorney Describes the Foreclosure Eviction Process
When a mortgage lender has received court approval to proceed with a foreclosure auction sale and subsequent eviction, the previous homeowner may not know what will happen next or how much longer he can stay on the property. Even though there are people who want to stay in their homes, they may have chosen to relinquish the property due to financial constraints. By consulting with a Fort Lauderdale eviction attorney, the individuals can find out details regarding the eviction process and how it will affect them.
A Fort Lauderdale Eviction Attorney on the Foreclosure Lawsuit and Auction
A lender that decides to pursue a foreclosure needs to file a lawsuit with the court. The homeowner must receive proper notice of the lawsuit and has time to file a response. If the judge issues a favorable judgment for the lender, a date will be set to sell the property at an auction.
The county clerk conducts the auction. The lender puts in a bid for the outstanding balance of the loan. If the lender doesn’t receive payment for the total amount of the loan balance, the homeowner could be held liable for the deficiency.
The length of time a homeowner has to stay in the home varies on a case-by-case basis. When there are a large number of foreclosure filings, the lender may delay the sale of the property. A Fort Lauderdale eviction attorney may be able to provide the homeowner with an estimated time frame regarding how soon the property will be sold and when he will need to leave.
A Fort Lauderdale Eviction Attorney Discusses the Eviction of the Homeowner
The court is authorized to issue a writ of possession for the new owner of the property. Once the sheriff receives the writ, he is responsible for getting the previous homeowner off of the premises. The sheriff will post a notice at the property informing the occupants that they must leave within 24 hours. If the occupants haven’t left the property after 24 hours, the sheriff can forcibly remove them. Some occupants may have a medical emergency or disability that prevents them from leaving the property in a short period of time. They should consult a Fort Lauderdale eviction attorney to find out if the new owner would be willing to accommodate the request for more time or if there are other options.
Contact a Fort Lauderdale Eviction Lawyer Today
If you are at risk of getting evicted or if foreclosure proceedings have started, you can speak to a Fort Lauderdale eviction lawyer at Addicott & Addicott, P.A. for assistance. Our legal team will explain the eviction process and provide information regarding how to minimize your financial liability. Schedule a consultation by calling us at 954-454-2605.